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Fitness Giant - Parkour interest in fitness

Mention parker for most people fitness giant and have no ideas to jump from one building to another, along the ceilings and the overall facilities reckless courage. These ideas come from the commercialization of sport, which included Jump London, a documentary on Discovery Channel in the end part of the sport and viral YouTube videos of young male and female practitioners of parker - called markers and tracers fitness giant, respectively - browsing skyscrapers , bridges run with incredible fluidity and grace.

Fitness Giant although marketing has managed to spread the word of parker, but also leads to a only a few misconceptions about the sport, says Chris Stroud, director of Parker Generations Asia.

"Do a lot of crazy things fitness giant creates a buzz but parker is much more than building jump,'' he said.''

The training has a great advantage for the whole body and mind. This is a very complete workout without fitness giant equipment - only the surrounding environment. "

His assurance that I will not jump from skyscrapers does not stop me being petrified fitness giant when I go along to try to discipline.

Using the design of our obstacles Banalities Park, our instructor Johan brings us through a warm up and stretching board and several variations of crawling along the concrete fitness giant. After 10 minutes, I was drenched in sweat and my quads burn with the effort.

"Well, it was the warm-up. Now for something fitness giant a little more difficult," says Johan.

While parker can be nothing new in Europe, which continues to find its way here in Thailand. Two years ago, the non-competitive sport was not well known in Asia until Virgo Stephanie, who learned the trade from his original founder of parker, David Belle, created 14 months. A director of Parker Generation Asia,Fitness Giant noted the sport is growing at an impressive attention to both the entertainment industry and fitness.

Parker Generations Team Asia six full-time accredited courses offer parker, both indoors and outdoors, for all levels, as well as during the "Youth Academy" for ages 10-19.

The team even began teaching fitness giant in local schools, which displays the status of parker as safe and effective for the whole year. The four weekly classes of 90 minutes, held in Bangkok are just the beginning of the game of parker expand the fitness scene in Bangkok.

The timing could not be better. Gym Bangkok scene is undergoing a revolution. Large, chain facilities have been reduced for gyms and independent classes and small fill the void following the trend of functional fitness. People do not want to trudge along fitness giant tapes where they could get the same lean body climb, jump and generally have fun with your workouts.

Parker Training based obstacle environmental uses. The classes focus on the development of running, jumping and balancing skills and Johan fitness giant 
 help refine making us jump without upward momentum of our partners, who are planking in particular Archie-on bricks average balance high along with high walls of marble, concrete monument jump concrete monument as a monkey out of metal tubes. Or at least try.

Fitness Giant looks like a great game to show made a very smooth ethos behind it work in harmony with the environment. In simplest terms, is a way to get from point A to point B as efficiently as possible.

With proper training, you should look easy. However, in my class, snorting and not funny. We are working on our fluency with a silent march fitness giant through the park, which is much harder than it looks. As they get into the walls, one after the other, I can not help but wonder what we look like to passersby.

But there is no denying the workouts are effective, just look at the physics of those who have achieved the highest level of the sport. The fitness levels required fitness giant to really make an impact can be intimidating, but besides being an extreme sport for adrenaline junkies with a level of fitness most of us can only dream of, Stroud stresses that it is a sport for rest of us too.

"It's a sport," he said. "Everyone starts somewhere, and the basics of jumping, running and climbing is a place that everyone can begin fitness giant."

Despite his claims that anyone can do it, I find it very difficult, despite being quite fit. After class fitness giant, Johan explains that the secret is that there is real commitment to do the best possible, instead of saying, "I could never make that leap.

While parker is certainly gaining a reputation fitness giant more accessible, Stroud stresses that if anyone can attend classes that will test your limits, so do not expect an easy ride.

"You get stronger and you will face challenges, but does so in a safe environment," he said. "No one has been injured in one fitness giant of our classes."

But as obvious physical benefits for a workout that incorporates both the power and strength training, tracers are keen to stress the mental benefits. Know the limits of your body and restore your 
 idea what is and is not possible fitness giant, often cited by some plotters mental changes that occur with regular practice.

"Learning to run, climb and jump and improve these basic skills helps fitness giant build confidence in their physical and mental abilities.

Makes you feel as if more is achievable," Stroud said.

I'm not sure that I left the session feeling fitness giant more independent, but may be because I chickened so, most of the jumps.

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